Geographic Distribution: 学生 come from 90+ different area towns that represent Montgomery, 雄鹿队, 特拉华州, 切斯特, and Philadelphia counties. See transportation information here.
100% of seniors who want to attend a 4-year college receive admission 学院简介
37 student-athletes from the Class of 2023 are currently playing for a Division I, II, or III team
顶尖大学 & universities attended by the most graduates in the last five years - Penn State (46), University of Pennsylvania (27), 伦(20), 维拉诺瓦(19), 利哈伊(18), 锡拉丘兹(18), 德雷克塞尔(18), 皮特(17岁). Class of 2023 College List
Belfry Club: The nation's oldest, continuously-run high school dramatic club.
The Academy Monthly: One of the oldest student run literary magazines in the country, 成立于1885年.
Ye Primer: First published in 1895 as a record of the senior class, the yearbook has expanded to include the whole school, and captures the life of the student body, faculty and staff with pictures, 文章, 高级页面.